Sunday, August 31, 2008

Costume Review: Othello

I've decided to add a new feature, since I now just stare at costumes during various movies and productions now. To disclaim a bit, I know virtually NOTHING about historical accuracy or anything, so I'm pretty much just commenting on what I think is pretty or not, or suits the character or not.

This month, I had the pleasure of seeing a production of Othello at Shakespeare & Company in Lenox, Massachusetts. The performance was very good, but I found myself watching Desdemona's costumes more than the action of the play. The dresses to me were, as far as my historical outfitting knowledge goes, in a Regency/Romantic period style, with high waists and full skirts. However, I was really impressed with the fabrics - all very flowy and drapy, something I am always looking for in a dress! Even her nightgown was really pretty.

I managed to find some pictures that show most of one dress, though I don't think they do it justice.


Gillian said...

What a lovely dress! It looks to me to be actually slightly pre-Regency - 1790s, perhaps - the shoulder drape suggests that. But I know little to nothing about anything pre-Regency, so don't take my word for it.

~Gillian (tonks21 on the S&S forum)